四條"舉世聞名"既京商金色 Option House 油壓,經歷廿幾年都超順!勁!作者: fyin 時間: 2010-7-14 13:36
當年部戰車黎.作者: jen233 時間: 2010-7-29 16:01
how much did you pay for this 2nd hand? I had i turbo optima more than 20 years ago...作者: binary 時間: 2010-7-30 07:44
Around $3k. Fortunately this car was built by the previous owner but never run it on track, so basically everything is new! 作者: tiger1 時間: 2010-7-30 07:58
good car, good price 作者: martin888 時間: 2010-7-30 12:05
C兄,部Optima好內曆史,重保全到有8'9成新,真是善殺傍人,作者: jen233 時間: 2010-7-30 13:28
you are so so so lucky - a very good price to buy such a beautiful car. you can easily sale it at 4k+. Do let me know whenever you decides to let go of it in the future - cheers作者: gimsink 時間: 2010-7-30 17:41
That's what we raced with when we were young....作者: binary 時間: 2010-7-30 20:41
In fact, I've already ordered Kyosho Optima Mid and Turbo Optima Mid reproduction body shells online, should receive them next month. Then I can paint a brand new body shell which should give this car even a newer livery!!! 作者: toysman2002hk 時間: 2010-8-3 00:29
個平地鈴好像是 MPP 出品作者: binary 時間: 2010-8-3 14:14
Just received 2 reproduced brand new shells - one for Optima Mid, one for Turbo Optima Mid!
The kit includes decals, shell, rear wing and even undertray!!!
無錯!!!佢寄貨超快!作者: advox 時間: 2010-8-6 03:15
金油壓+營光綠色鈴當年最興作者: sattaugoh 時間: 2010-8-6 16:42
小弟記得果陣時係85定係86年,京商呢架optima係"人人有一架",初時係所謂"長陣",後來京商又出"短陣"版本,用"人人有一架"o黎形容呢架車絕對唔誇張,唔知有無記錯,越野車用海綿呔熱潮,都好似呢部車引起,可惜當時年紀小,又窮困,養架平地都唔夠錢用,買唔起新o既玩,後來終於用好平o既價錢,買o左架幾殘o既二手optima玩了心願。作者: alex2k2 時間: 2010-8-14 14:12
我就由83年開始玩搖控車, 85年當Optima出了之後, 差不多人人都出, 搞到成支車隊咁, 海綿呔也是由這個時期開始了。作者: JohnnyC 時間: 2010-8-17 16:26
小弟以前亦曾擁有optima系既 Salute, 由好友轉讓給小弟!都開心到不得了...哈哈, 用海錦呔又好好跑!作者: tarotrex 時間: 2010-8-17 19:05
I think it should be named GODtima to all of us today!