Hpi cup racer點睇? - Good RC for anyone to learn what is the setting, there have so many points can be set, but please don't install the motor higher than 10.5t. because it is easy to rolling if over it's limit. You can find most of the info by seraching the archive post in here.
M車無刷幾T先啱? Depend on how much you pay for the optional upgrade items. Normally, M05 standard, you can starting form "sliver Can / 白豬" or 13.5t. FYI.. we're always to race our M05 with 白豬.
My suggesetion...
If rich (recommeded) - HobbyWing 120A + Team power 13.5t (short version)
Normal use (Sunday race) - HobbyWing / Team power 60A-70A + team power 13.5t (short version)
just for fun... Tamiya 104 ECS (Brushed) + Sliver (or Black) can. The total investment is not more than $200..