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Gen-X 10 Pro Graphite Kit (World GT)

henryb4sun 發表於 2009-3-22 21:35:23 | 顯示全部樓層
I find that i must set the throttle curve for very gentle acceleration at initial or otherwise it will too easy to spin when exit corner. I am using SP 3.5R. May be that is too powerful for it?

ANd how the front stiffner can help on the handling? Please let me know more before I buy it. thanks!

And agree that the screw is too soft....
henryb4sun 發表於 2009-3-22 21:36:29 | 顯示全部樓層
And EDI, where you order your kit from? US Website directly? Can you share?
henryb4sun 發表於 2009-3-22 22:27:46 | 顯示全部樓層
EDI, I am using Speed Passion Sensored 5.5T motor and 26t spinion gear.

I also use front red spring and rear white spring. However I am new comer and still play on street (Yuen Long Wan Chow). It is simply too easy to spin. May be I should buy a 23t to try.

Basically I am setting up the car with the menu. Any recommendation on car height, front camber and toe in and caster?

I also don't know what is the difference between 1/10 touring and World GT.
henryb4sun 發表於 2009-3-29 08:03:27 | 顯示全部樓層

I want to use 9451 before but that is too tall.

So I use 9650 now. Size is perfect for GenX10.

henryb4sun 發表於 2009-3-31 16:14:29 | 顯示全部樓層

I am going to try again the GenX10 tonight. I rebuild it on sunday on ride height, ball differential and front toe in.

Previously handling is....too "naughty". haha...I can't manage it.

Really need to be careful on the screw. So soft....

henryb4sun 發表於 2009-3-31 19:07:02 | 顯示全部樓層
haha...don't worry. I just ask you to be careful je!
At least...i played a few times with my 5.5T....so far not yet "self destruct"! haha...

But some comment from me when assembly this CRC GenX10

1)There are so many different size screws! I don't know why need so many different size. They give you all necessary hex screw driver but for me, that is too inconvenient. All my existing screw drivers for Japan/Europe model not fit this US kit.

2)My kit...the ball differential is not very good. The differential plate can't sit onto the holder and I need to modify it a little bit. I don't expect this will happen. Some other plastic part also need certain hand modify. (I built Tamiya/Kyosho/HPI/Xray/Tech Racing car before, Xray is the best, no doubt. Second is HPI)

But I must say...after I complete it....it really looks cool! haha...I like the red color screw and the design of center placed battery. This is very nice.

Enjoy it.
henryb4sun 發表於 2009-4-2 15:49:09 | 顯示全部樓層

Do you aware that the link rod for steering are different size for left/right in your kit? Mine find this problem. And the length is too short that I can't make it a little bit toe in. I need to find alternative.

And your servo mounted higher than normal? Any special purpose?

henryb4sun 發表於 2009-4-3 00:33:51 | 顯示全部樓層
EDI, do you find the front ride height too high? I need to add extra spacer for it but can't use their spacer to stack up as the red screw not long enough. So I need to add spacer on the mounting toward chassis.

henryb4sun 發表於 2009-4-3 01:36:06 | 顯示全部樓層

Yes I know I need longer screw but not I have another spacer for it so may be still ok.

I still feel the ball differential not moving smoothly when I tighten it. I think I will go to cat shop to buy new differential gear and ceramic ball tmr. I suspect that is the key suspect for my easy spinning even in straight road.
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