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tsochung 發表於 2013-3-22 03:18:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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小弟對遙控車雖然有興趣但就一直都只係遠觀從未真正接觸過, 最近上youtube被上面d片嚇親, 見d車飛到成個人咁高撻翻落地乜事都冇繼續跑, 真係型到爆, 我下定決心定要買架buggy加入飛車一族, 但我基本上對遙控車係乜都唔識所以有好多野要問.

1/8 同1/10玩起上黎有咩分別, 我應該入1/8定1/10好?

bear_cat_x 發表於 2013-3-22 09:03:21 來自手機 | 只看該作者
 樓主| tsochung 發表於 2013-3-22 10:34:03 | 只看該作者

我應該會玩電車, 方便d
但都想問下油車同電車比有乜優勢, 同埋香港係唔係玩電既比較多?
DK666 發表於 2013-3-22 11:06:34 | 只看該作者
tsochung 發表於 2013-3-22 10:34
我應該會玩電車, 方便d
但都想問下油車同電車比有乜優勢, 同埋香港係唔係玩電既比較多? ...

If you are willing to pay for what you get...then get either Team Associated or Team Durango. I got the TD DEX408 with HW 1/8 systems and I really like it! The 1/8 Buggy and ESC Combo cost me around HK$5,500 plus my left over Radio and batteries....if you want to get all new stuffs, I say will cost you close to 10k...hope this will help you...
 樓主| tsochung 發表於 2013-3-22 12:55:27 | 只看該作者
DK666 發表於 2013-3-22 11:06
If you are willing to pay for what you get...then get either Team Associated or Team Durango. I go ...

Cobra 811 Be 2.0同TD DEX408比呢? 如果分別唔大只係個人喜好問題我到時會是旦揀一架, 暫時玩具經費有限得唔夠7k, 不過五月會再有一批經費, 我會先淨買住架車返去砌住先同埋同個瞉扮住靚先, 我諗淨係咁都有排玩
DK666 發表於 2013-3-22 14:15:56 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 DK666 於 2013-3-22 14:18 編輯
tsochung 發表於 2013-3-22 12:55
Cobra 811 Be 2.0同TD DEX408比呢? 如果分別唔大只係個人喜好問題我到時會是旦揀一架, 暫時玩具經費有限 ...

Well, for me...Cobra 811e is kind of plastic...if the Cobra 811e is about the same price as the TD DEX408, then I'll pick the TD. But still, you just wait for more advice. BTW, here are some pics for you to take alook...
 樓主| tsochung 發表於 2013-3-22 20:16:34 | 只看該作者
如果玩1/10, DEX410v3算唔算靚車? ching們有冇其他好介紹?
小咪咪 發表於 2013-3-22 21:27:23 | 只看該作者
TT01CHIU 發表於 2013-3-22 22:32:05 | 只看該作者
DK666 發表於 2013-3-22 14:15
Well, for me...Cobra 811e is kind of plastic...if the Cobra 811e is about the same price as the TD ...

借題一問。師兄你條白鈴rally呔是否team c出品?好唔好跑呀?
DK666 發表於 2013-3-23 09:54:14 | 只看該作者
TT01CHIU 發表於 2013-3-22 22:32
借題一問。師兄你條白鈴rally呔是否team c出品?好唔好跑呀?

Yes, this is the link...
but I don't think is a good idea for you since this is an on road tires set.....for myself, I've been running open field back in the States for many years, so I was kind of used tooff road with on road tires.....
爆炸爆炸 發表於 2013-4-7 12:16:20 來自手機 | 只看該作者
爆炸爆炸 發表於 2013-4-7 12:17:37 來自手機 | 只看該作者
965 發表於 2013-4-9 06:25:56 | 只看該作者
I like 1/8 too, and love to watch those crazy jumping (flying) video, but just don't see the point there, some small jump,s or small jumps on track is ok, but those big jump.... Without good landing, or if land on concrete ... You can still break a lots of parts, and not that safe if lipo fly out....

Such as this

https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&a ... amp;bvm=bv.44990110,d.cGE

However, people love to do it, very American style, just to break their cars... Even RC is much more affordable now, but still $5,000 and up for a basic ready to go package, and very easy to spend $10k p,us....   

I guess since the 麼頓台 time... I hate smashing...

Htse 發表於 2013-4-15 14:23:41 | 只看該作者
losi 8ight e, associated rc8.2e 係唔錯既選擇. 不過呢D 都係用黎跑賽道的. 買左呢d racer 之後, 基本上你都係只可以係race track 到跑 如果你想周圍跑下d offroad 就比較難, 因為呢d buggy 全部都係賽車, 對rough d 既路就比較handle 唔到, 全部racer 都唔可以話好紮實, 因為佢地始終係一架racer, 唔係一架比你周圍跑既車. 1/8 比較大會handle d 凹凸路比較好d, 同埋多數快d. 1/10 架車輕d 轉灣就比較易.    至於油車同電車分別就在於 電車性能上比較快, 對新手黎講比較易上手, 因為你買左架油車岩岩玩唔知要整幾耐先撻得著... 仲好多cleaning 好多唔同maintenance 要做, 仲要自己帶d 油去玩, 電車去到有得叉電. 但油車比較像真.
Snitch 發表於 2013-4-15 22:10:38 | 只看該作者
多謝咁多位既回答同建議. 我係樓主, 我最後買左架幾百蚊既1/10孖星2wd膠buggy黎玩, 因為我筆錢買左支靚控差機同大火牛都用得七七八八. 1/8大車車都係下個月先再搞. 而家都係每日樓下用架慢車練習住先.

1/8車我仲未決定eb48定811be. EB48個layout靚d, 蛇仔個layout都ok同埋個樣型十倍, durango我唔多鐘意佢將個esc放到高一高, 所以唔考慮
fr888 發表於 2013-4-15 23:43:16 | 只看該作者
Snitch 發表於 2013-4-15 22:10
多謝咁多位既回答同建議. 我係樓主, 我最後買左架幾百蚊既1/10孖星2wd膠buggy黎玩, 因為我筆錢買左支靚控差 ...

I have both... I vote for the snake if play in Lali
fr888 發表於 2013-4-15 23:44:15 | 只看該作者
Snitch 發表於 2013-4-15 22:10
多謝咁多位既回答同建議. 我係樓主, 我最後買左架幾百蚊既1/10孖星2wd膠buggy黎玩, 因為我筆錢買左支靚控差 ...

I have both... I vote for the snake if play in Lali
Snitch 發表於 2013-4-16 10:30:44 | 只看該作者
fr888 發表於 2013-4-15 23:44
I have both... I vote for the snake if play in Lali

師兄厲害, 可唔可以講下兩架車既pros同cons, 同埋點解蛇蛇比較適合入倉玩, 等我新人學下野
965 發表於 2013-4-16 11:04:32 | 只看該作者
Team C law... Good car and good price....
fr888 發表於 2013-4-16 11:42:43 | 只看該作者
Snitch 發表於 2013-4-16 10:30
師兄厲害, 可唔可以講下兩架車既pros同cons, 同埋點解蛇蛇比較適合入倉玩, 等我新人學下野 ...

811e pro: Lower cog (center of gravity), faster initial steering response, car super durable, use 2s packs more convenient

eb48 pro: Less weight, maybe can handle rough sections better, can share parts with sct410

Hope it helps :
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