原帖由 miniz 於 2008-11-6 12:44 發表
I have to change front spring steering hub and cha cha front 20 tire and rear 30 tire
原帖由 miniz 於 2008-11-6 12:44 發表
I have to change front spring steering hub and cha cha front 20 tire and rear 30 tire
原帖由 800mah 於 2008-11-7 18:14 發表
why do u need to KO module for the AM car?
just buy a 2PL la, it's only $2xx...
whereas the module alone is $350, and it's really hard to find
原帖由 800mah 於 2008-11-7 18:14 發表
why do u need to KO module for the AM car?
just buy a 2PL la, it's only $2xx...
whereas the module alone is $350, and it's really hard to find
原帖由 800mah 於 2008-11-8 01:41 發表
if you are using the mr02 pcb, then u will be able to use the HSR on the KO controllers
but as u are having a i-series, it will make no difference int his aspect.
for jamming issues, maybe u shou ...
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