原帖由 MacUser 於 2008-11-20 10:15 發表
差機小弟只分好及唔好, 差需差得好又唔傷電就Very good, 好多差唔多樣既都係得過樣, 同埋差機係無全能, 差得到未必差得好, 買電買死.
差AAA好難keep得好, 下面隻差機都唔錯, 可考慮!
http://www.howenint.com/fp ...
原帖由 2slow 於 2008-11-20 10:54 發表
我都係用02底兜好似你咁差電, 4粒series排法, 無問題喎~
你差差下停, 我諗係有某粒電死左...模下邊粒電差時特別熱
用multimeter check下啦
原帖由 2slow 於 2008-11-20 11:23 發表
Checking Voltage is not accurate, as dead dry cells may read close to 1.5volts with a very small amount of deflection only... so you should check it with Amp meter, a dead battery may read 10amps ...
原帖由 defcone 於 2008-11-20 11:35 發表
4-5個月, 不過我近牌先開始用(算係)rc級數差機, Apex E. 之前用15分鐘快差(車場藉的)
我係 900mah Orion (哈, 我900mah 同 orion掉轉寫, 佢話我講粗口) HV果隻.
原帖由 scalpel 於 2008-11-20 11:52 發表
For ori勿留下粗言穢語!!00mah....I use 1.5A to charge or the time....the batteries are 6 months old....still in good condition.....Did you discharge the batteries before charging it all the time?
原帖由 defcone 於 2008-11-20 11:52 發表
I only use the discharge on the charger, maybe its discharge isn't good enough.
原帖由 scalpel 於 2008-11-20 11:55 發表
Yes, I suppose you didn't do well in the charging and discharging process, maybe that's not your fault....it's the charger...
原帖由 defcone 於 2008-11-20 12:00 發表
我開頭都無諗住認真玩, 都係儲錢買番部好D. 睇緊買Orion Clubman or Advantage.
原帖由 defcone 於 2008-11-20 12:00 發表
我開頭都無諗住認真玩, 都係儲錢買番部好D. 睇緊買Orion Clubman or Advantage.
原帖由 sfdo 於 2008-11-20 22:42 發表
比著我。買兩部 GP 1-2 小時 智能差機,唔洗煩。
一次過差 8粒電 ,藍電750、O仔900HV 差 大約40分鐘 就得,電唔太熱,唔易差死電,又剛好夠玩。
原帖由 defcone 於 2008-11-21 12:50 發表
What A value do the 15-25mins GP charger have? Can I cheap out and just buy one of those instead?
原帖由 scalpel 於 2008-11-21 13:21 發表
I believe if the Gp charger can do the charging within 15-25 mins....at least using 1.5A!
原帖由 defcone 於 2008-11-21 14:44 發表
What's the difference between those ones and the expensive RC grade charger?
原帖由 scalpel 於 2008-11-21 16:15 發表
I didn't see it at kws...some people buy it from some website, about $480-490....but I think you can look for some second hand charger, like Much More..about $450-500 in the second hand market.
no......you cant find in kws, you have to buy @ SSP camera shop or 旺角星際 $ 498
原帖由 iverson 於 2008-11-22 23:55 發表
I would like to ask which shop? Is it for both AA and AAA batteries. Is the charging current adjustable? Thanks
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