標題: 3 racing will launch working Winch [打印本頁] 作者: edison 時間: 2008-11-28 10:12 標題: 3 racing will launch working Winch This is very good news!!!!
http://3racing.hk/products.php?products_key=3686作者: ll2002 時間: 2008-11-28 10:16
幾得意....不過唔知裝上之後個樣係點.....作者: rockdragon 時間: 2008-11-28 11:37
already a month that I've been waiting for it ..... hurry up la .... 3Racing 作者: knight888 時間: 2008-11-28 12:15
Hope to see it soon~~~作者: edison 時間: 2008-11-28 12:32
If your pull it to Toyota Tundra, it should be very cool!!!作者: demag 時間: 2008-11-28 14:31
好毒!!作者: Evo露筍 時間: 2008-11-28 14:39
唔知有冇動力o既呢?作者: 12wai3 時間: 2008-11-28 14:40
真係好正......... 作者: knight888 時間: 2008-11-28 15:06
very good~ 有動力?作者: edison 時間: 2008-11-28 15:44
Yes, it come with motor power!!!作者: demag 時間: 2008-11-28 17:46
做得好似WARN呢款9.5si Winch作者: edison 時間: 2008-11-29 21:23
This winch will launch on mid of Dec. 作者: havenlau 時間: 2008-11-29 22:31
How strong is it???