標題: 我最近收藏既車(順道詢問型號) [打印本頁] 作者: michaeltam 時間: 2008-12-3 13:13 標題: 我最近收藏既車(順道詢問型號) 請問各師兄呢架是TA01 or TA02嗎?作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2008-12-3 13:24
TA02作者: 泉 時間: 2008-12-3 13:28
TA-02W作者: minimini 時間: 2008-12-3 16:07
用蜂巢底兜...........尾 A 臂斜向前............係 TA01.......作者: 泉 時間: 2008-12-3 16:30
唔係喎, ta-01的閞關制在中軸的另一邊 http://www.rct.jp/contents/lab/chassis/ta01/作者: tiger1 時間: 2008-12-3 19:51
ta01, 02 is blue steering hubs.作者: move7648 時間: 2008-12-3 22:11
01長啲, 所以尾A Arm係斜向前
02短啲, 所以尾A Arm係斜向後
01/02尾波箱碼仔都唔一樣作者: tiger1 時間: 2008-12-3 22:25
Right on: the rear body mount rods are not the same, shorter mid-shaft, price were not the same, made at different time, got different tamiya number designation. 作者: 龍崗小吳 時間: 2008-12-4 23:33
應該是TA-02啦!作者: peter7 時間: 2008-12-5 00:52
I think it is a TA02 底兜 with TA01 front steering hubs作者: gibson 時間: 2008-12-5 01:17
From the photo, I think the main different of TA01 and TA02 are the ESC, 作者: michaeltam 時間: 2008-12-5 07:22
咁我明啦. 我嗰架係[怪胎], 因係二手買番嚟, 轉向杯和轉向軸是TA01.
身是TA02. 因TA01和TA02 絛轉向軸是不同粗幼Size.作者: michaeltam 時間: 2008-12-5 07:28
再嚟一幅經典吖! 作者: tiger1 時間: 2008-12-5 07:43
This skyline is one of a kind la 作者: minimini 時間: 2008-12-5 12:16
只係双星車嘅 "兼容性" 不嬲都好高......左搭右搭都 work......最緊要係揾唔揾到合適嘅車殼啫.......作者: move7648 時間: 2008-12-5 13:46
唔只"兼容性" 高
有touring, buggy, big foot, trucky...
換小小野, 多種玩法
一流!!作者: ray9394 時間: 2008-12-7 22:55
I agree with 泉, this is TA02W, which is using TA02 lower arm, TA01 kunckle arm, TA 01 king pins and 200mm body (such as JGTC Supra, Skline GTR LM, IMSA Fairlady 300ZX).作者: 泉 時間: 2008-12-7 23:12
其實都好想知道用TA01車輪遠離KINGPIN跟TA02車輪接近KINGPIN, 於轉灣時有什麼分別?