RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: Russia Navy [打印本頁]

作者: TM麒    時間: 2008-12-4 23:01
標題: Russia Navy
作者: 周百通    時間: 2008-12-4 23:44
作者: 丘引    時間: 2008-12-5 19:56
唉? 又買多隻戰艦喇
作者: koppie    時間: 2009-5-24 22:30
俄羅斯的海軍戰略思想同西方完全吾同﹐著重飽和式攻擊﹐ 所以造船風格好特別
作者: mwheel    時間: 2009-5-24 23:54
作者: Ang    時間: 2009-5-25 20:41
俄羅斯的海軍戰略思想同西方完全吾同﹐著重飽和式攻擊﹐ 所以造船風格好特別
koppie 發表於 2009-5-24 22:30


Please explain, thanks.
作者: koppie    時間: 2009-5-25 21:24
本帖最後由 koppie 於 2009-5-25 21:40 編輯

Hi nice to have someone who is interested in this subject,

Here is a good paragraph written by ROC military magazine " 全球防衛誌 261 期(2006年5月)"
For copyright issue,therefore I only enclose part of the essay here

Many of the Russian military doctrine carries from their WWII experience。 Does it remind you the battle of Kursk? With the numerous T-34 out fought the technology superior German Tiger ?
Of course American stress on Fire power as well, but no one on earth has their military budget to spend, and unlimited government bond to print for Chinese to buy , LOL.


作者: koppie    時間: 2009-5-25 22:14
讓我介紹兩个更加能感受俄風的Video, 吾好意思,我一路都是跟開陸軍野,暫時找不到好的全海軍Video



作者: Ang    時間: 2009-5-26 13:20
Here is a good paragraph written by ROC military magazine " 全球防衛誌 261 期(2006年5月)"


Just read the article, very informative of the Russia Navy's strategy.  I suppose China is copying Russia's way because both countries are similar in many ways with lack of resources, correct?

Agree that the 飽和式攻擊 would be effective in close range but the Americans would not be that stupid to come into the firing range so would the Americans try to counter this strategy by keeping the fleet off the weapon range?
作者: koppie    時間: 2009-5-28 19:27
1。 In fact their needs are very different due to dissimilar geographer location and coast line. The reasons you see PLAN having a significant Russian fleet is due to political background.  Detail would be beyond the scope of this forum.

2. Saturated attack, could be delivered by the mean of small arms to ICBM, the effective range of Kirov class is 450-550KM , which is about the distance from Hong Kong to 台南.
[Kirov 基洛夫級戰鬥巡洋艦] http://www.jkforum.net/thread-456200-1-6.html

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