[ 本帖最後由 野米 於 2008-12-12 01:28 編輯 ]作者: 某君 時間: 2008-12-12 10:36
唔一定要TOYOTA迫力油,其他電油公司迫力油都可以,只要係DOT3就得作者: 某君 時間: 2008-12-12 10:38 標題: 回復 8# 的帖子 用呢樽成本會唔會高d?有無腐蝕成份?作者: jas 時間: 2008-12-12 22:34
Try not to get either brake fluid or thinner on your skin. Don't inhale vapor from the thinner.
And if you use brake fluid, please dispose it properly (don't pour it down the drain, it's very harmful to the environment).
Actually, I'm wondering if car repair shops will recycle the old brake fluids? Any brother know?作者: yin1992 時間: 2008-12-13 00:01