原帖由 tatame 於 2009-1-2 11:02 發表
個車殼好型wor ~~ 你個車殼隻綠色係用咩油噴架?師兄你係用printer print 張monster energy 貼紙出黎??? 但用咩紙 ??? d貼紙似唔似平時我地d車殼咁係透明底? thanks ~
原帖由 sunfffd 於 2009-1-2 12:51 發表
thats a cool one
matches my merida team frame but it be strange to ride on street with that
原帖由 stig 於 2009-1-2 17:15 發表
咁你可以平平地買件tee著下, 不過件tee相比其他野唔係特別靚, 可以話好普通...
http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?Model ...
原帖由 mikewu 於 2009-1-2 17:32 發表
Yes.. the gears gets a little noisy... I have 5.5 Novak installed in mine...but the handling is terriable.. I think it has to do with those stupid tires....
Going to install 2.2 size soon...
原帖由 sunfffd 於 2009-1-2 18:29 發表
hey mike interested to order the proline tires and beadlock rims together?
原帖由 mikewu 於 2009-1-3 10:13 發表
I do have plenty of them from my E-Firestorm. Just don't have a chance to try it yet.
BUT! I do need to get a pair of Proline wheels (1 bag) When will you start ordering?
原帖由 mikewu 於 2009-1-3 10:13 發表
I do have plenty of them from my E-Firestorm. Just don't have a chance to try it yet.
BUT! I do need to get a pair of Proline wheels (1 bag) When will you start ordering?
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