Thanks ching first. 我也試過循jam的方向想,因為當車距離我近一些時,問題好像小一些。但我不明白何以慢車時沒想到問題,快車時就出問題。會不會有其他問題同時出現?作者: gyh 時間: 2009-4-2 16:22
I have this problem as well. Did you solve it?
Only happen in high speed and long range
but it can run fast within small area.
Only happen with EC power ESC and not with other system.作者: tekin 時間: 2009-4-2 16:40
i think that is AM system problem because AM is very easy to "jam".
you change to FM or 2.4G in order to avoid any out of control.作者: ftbingobingo 時間: 2009-4-2 17:03
Have you change the "Frequency" setting to "low" or "8kHz" for AM control. I cannot remember clearly but should set this way作者: 527824 時間: 2009-4-2 18:21
可能係jam(你用AM控),試吓條天線離開個motor遠D作者: evanli 時間: 2009-4-3 01:38 本帖最後由 evanli 於 2009-4-3 01:40 編輯