下面果3舊咩黎?作者: mini 時間: 2009-1-6 19:41
你個motor 用幾多 kv 呀????作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-6 19:44 標題: 回復 6# 的帖子 no money to buy metal 油壓 la
because I buy ja Kart 作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-6 19:45 標題: 回復 5# 的帖子 yeah I just buy it keke 作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-6 19:45 標題: 回復 11# 的帖子 4300 KV Motor作者: swswsw 時間: 2009-1-6 19:51
4300kv ... me too.. with the gear ratio 7.2 (97spur + 33 pinion)作者: wingx2 時間: 2009-1-7 00:19
我也想買一部!作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-7 23:24
buy la buy la
$568 ja M03M作者: mschumi 時間: 2009-1-8 00:18
buy la buy la
$538 ja M03M作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-8 00:59
Nearly finish the car la
But the blue plastic Shock look is not fit for my car I don't know what happen anyone know that?
Also please advise the shock in fornt is hard or soft and then rear shock.作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-8 02:43
use how many No. Shock Oil ar? Fornt and Rear 作者: tattat 時間: 2009-1-8 10:00
原來係師兄你,果日係海哥度見過面.....作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-8 11:44 標題: 回復 21# 的帖子 yes ar 師兄作者: pasta 時間: 2009-1-8 20:08
請問師兄呢套藍色膠油壓幾錢?作者: mini 時間: 2009-1-8 20:23
4300KV for my e firestorm ka
M03M I use Black Fan Big keke 作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-8 23:03
Finialy the car Finish la
now just start paint the shell作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-8 23:18
M03M can use 64P gear ma? 作者: keung 時間: 2009-1-9 01:04 標題: 回復 27# 的帖子 快啲攪惦一齊出嚟玩啦 作者: taky0taky 時間: 2009-1-9 10:11
公起晒....又有新車主作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-9 11:17
finish soon la tonight will test the car and fine tune 作者: tattat 時間: 2009-1-9 14:57
finish soon la tonight will test the car and fine tune
C Hing,have fun......作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-9 17:48
Yo finish la
Street Style Car 作者: mikewu 時間: 2009-1-9 17:52
So "Lunchbox" feel... Enjoy your M03... One of my favorite RC... 作者: orangeteam 時間: 2009-1-9 18:01
wellcome作者: ~飄道~ 時間: 2009-1-9 18:11
by the way, just you like and enjoy.......作者: mini 時間: 2009-1-12 19:49
咁多寶品.. 一落左地就停唔到手呀作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-12 22:54
支萬向比油雞踫變咗作者: move7648 時間: 2009-1-13 10:05
RP頭40 尾30,用咩彈弓...呢個組合係咪應該會較易CUP車作者: miniz 時間: 2009-1-14 18:34
the front tamiya normal tire and the rear is tamiya m grip, the shock use tamiya short spring in front use hard ( white ) and the rear is soft ( Red ) try try this quite good