原帖由 老人家 於 2006-5-20 07:09 PM 發表
ice1234 兄 : 值得表揚及請版主加至最頂
原帖由 mugen 於 2006-9-7 04:46 PM 發表
your circuit had a problem, the NPN transistor E point may be need the connect somthing to
control the B point, if the E point direct connect to earth, the circuit may no work.
(if i wrong plea ...
原帖由 mugen 於 2006-9-8 09:22 AM 發表
If the E point direct connect to the earth, the circuit can't to provided the pluse and can't to control
the E point signal.
(if wrong please correct)
原帖由 ice1234 於 2006-5-20 18:15 發表
得閒整返個離玩下.....test 下 d servo.....
原帖由 老人家 於 2006-5-20 19:09 發表
ice1234 兄 : 值得表揚及請版主加至最頂
原帖由 fyin 於 2007-6-9 13:23 發表
Hi Bro,
Thanks! Good stuff, I will try if Ok I will made 10 nos. circuit board.
any bro interest?
原帖由 fyin 於 2007-6-13 04:16 PM 發表
Hi ICE 兄,
有一問題在PCB 圖內正負電極間有一粒C4電解電容數值及電壓幾多?
schemetic 及 parts list 冇列出.
原帖由 Treason_Yeung 於 2007-6-14 09:24 AM 發表
We are sorry, but the item you've requested was removed from Metacafe
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