現時部機既setting係 : discharge 9.0V作者: chowdee 時間: 2009-3-2 00:19
i use lipo, just select to lipo and hold start button will start charging.
when it's full will beep and ask u to stop or auto stop ga la wor...作者: cowboy 時間: 2009-3-2 11:08
用セ電?Lipo or Nimh?Lipo唔應該熱。有冇揀錯mode?作者: chowdee 時間: 2009-3-2 11:13
i use Lipo but the machine will get hot too.......not boiling hot tho..作者: cowboy 時間: 2009-3-2 11:23
i use Lipo but the machine will get hot too.......not boiling hot tho..
It's normal if it isn't too hot.作者: nobuster 時間: 2009-3-2 11:40
師兄會唔係你差li-po時無用balance模式同埋無插好兩條線?作者: skywoo1105 時間: 2009-3-2 17:11
當時我係差緊NI-MH 4200電
差機上肯定已set好ni-mh batt ! 作者: chowdee 時間: 2009-3-2 18:02
should have auto cut ga wor...but i usually choose fast charge lor....作者: skywoo1105 時間: 2009-3-2 19:50
fast charge have autocut??作者: alien2000 時間: 2009-3-26 02:08
any c-hing tell me how to set NiMH Auto Mode? my X-605 just to show Manual Mode作者: jeffkam23 時間: 2009-3-26 09:03
你可以係nihm mode時同時接 mode 同 start制 (以前好似係咁set)
p.s.請問你地用唔用個條有2個鱷魚鉗既12v入電線, 我想收一條呀....有意就pm我啦, 謝謝作者: skywoo1105 時間: 2009-3-26 20:05
原來真係會auto cut...
我一路唔理佢由得佢差,結果bbb咁響...thx all c hing