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標題: Yokomo 有色電鍍呤質量問題. [打印本頁]

作者: cwa    時間: 2006-5-29 00:18
標題: Yokomo 有色電鍍呤質量問題.
Original message to Yokomo:

The gold paint of the rim (part no.ZR-DR18G) get off easily
after only 15mins runtime without any crash.

Reply from Yokomo:

We are sorry but, the coating color for the rims are easy come of .
We are trying to improve but, it is so difficult at the moment.

作者: surfhk    時間: 2006-5-29 00:23
I got the same problem, but after repaint the white part in Tamiya gold color, the paint doesn't get off anymore!!
作者: hamilton521    時間: 2006-5-29 00:30
作者: cwa    時間: 2006-5-29 00:34
原帖由 surfhk 於 2006-5-29 00:23 發表
I got the same problem, but after repaint the white part in Tamiya gold color, the paint doesn't get off anymore!!

Yes, u're right.
So, I don't know why Yokomo make the rims so bad.
作者: Vinz    時間: 2006-5-29 00:52
So do i !
So damn!
Its pissed me off !
作者: surfhk    時間: 2006-5-29 00:57
原帖由 cwa 於 2006-5-29 00:34 發表

Yes, u're right.
So, I don't know why Yokomo make the rims so bad.

Due to the chrome flake and peer off the the paint on it, so the repaint is directly apply on the plastic (White part)......it should be fine after re-paint.
作者: surfhk    時間: 2006-5-29 00:58
As seen from the photo, is it the metal brake disk parts??
作者: cwa    時間: 2006-5-29 02:54
原帖由 surfhk 於 2006-5-29 00:58 發表
As seen from the photo, is it the metal brake disk parts??

sticker only
作者: Deemax    時間: 2006-5-30 12:40
哈哈...!Me too我隻軨都甩都九彩, 不過我就張0的電度整走翻噴.

作者: hkopium    時間: 2006-5-30 13:21
點整走D電度? 用咩工具?

作者: mikewu    時間: 2006-5-31 00:21
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-5-30 13:21 發表
點整走D電度? 用咩工具?


Try your wife's nail polish remover...  the chrome comes off easy.. but make sure you don't press hard on it because you might put your finger prints on the rims..
Easiest way is use a paint brush, cut the length in half to make it stiffer... then brush it til all chrome comes off.........
And don't tell your wife you use up the nail polish remover....  Or go downstairs to "Watson's" and get your own bottle....
作者: 雷公    時間: 2006-5-31 01:32
作者: hkopium    時間: 2006-5-31 02:18
Okay! Thanks brothers!
作者: Edde    時間: 2006-5-31 02:47
噴完底灰..... 先噴黑色.... 再噴金屬色, 隻色會更出同實,
作者: hkopium    時間: 2006-5-31 03:18
原帖由 Edde 於 2006-5-31 02:47 發表
噴完底灰..... 先噴黑色.... 再噴金屬色, 隻色會更出同實,


死... 我比 Lancer Evo 用既 Tamiya 白膠轆, 噴紅色TS油時無落 Primer... 係咪會好易甩色.

[ 本帖最後由 hkopium 於 2006-5-31 13:39 編輯 ]
作者: Edde    時間: 2006-5-31 15:52
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-5-31 03:18 發表


死... 我比 Lancer Evo 用既 Tamiya 白膠轆, 噴紅色TS油時無落 Primer... 係咪會好易甩色.


提一提之前嘅,如噴底灰, 黑油,最好薄薄就夠 la,免得啲油太厚,咁就唔好 la.

講多少少......如下次要噴金屬料,做以上步驟前,先噴隻 Metal Primer, 就無咁易甩色,因油咬膠多過咬金屬.
作者: v305304    時間: 2006-11-28 21:51
標題: 回復 #10 hkopium 的帖子

作者: v305304    時間: 2006-11-28 21:57
標題: 回復 #10 hkopium 的帖子

作者: nismoHK    時間: 2006-11-29 11:48



[ 本帖最後由 nismoHK 於 2006-11-29 11:55 編輯 ]

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