原帖由 Bloodyhell 於 2006-1-9 20:56 發表
I like to first and the third one. i think it's really hard to find might just alble to get one if you order it..i think..
原帖由 surfhk 於 2006-1-9 20:59 發表
The first one at least USD$1XX, and the third one, i got mine at USD$120 include the original Tamiya wheels......
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-1-9 21:43 發表
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-1-9 20:25 發表
有無人知呀 ?
原帖由 B仔 於 2006-1-16 12:19 發表
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-1-16 17:06 發表
mini van how long ah ?
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-1-16 17:09 發表
We know...... you are the master of all covers ma!!
When are you going to make some VW Bus cover ar????
原帖由 surfhk 於 2006-1-9 20:59 發表
The first one at least USD$1XX, and the third one, i got mine at USD$120 include the original Tamiya wheels......
原帖由 B仔 於 2006-1-19 13:31 發表
原帖由 B仔 於 2006-1-19 13:25 發表
現在我於yahoojp標左呢隻mini pajero殼,請問各位如生產的話有否興趣呢?如果跟mini ven一齊生產相信會平D架wow
原帖由 天照 於 2006-1-19 14:13 發表
原帖由 coronafans 於 2006-1-19 14:05 發表
Benz A190??
原帖由 天照 於 2006-1-19 14:41 發表
原帖由 B仔 於 2006-1-19 14:46 發表
原帖由 天照 於 2006-1-19 14:47 發表
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-1-19 15:31 發表
Hey, I have a A-class cover that I can use as mock up sample. I also have a Skyline KPGC GTR (old Skyline GTR) cover and Porsche 356 as well. PM me if you are really going to start a mold for ...
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-1-19 15:31 發表
Hey, I have a A-class cover that I can use as mock up sample. I also have a Skyline KPGC GTR (old Skyline GTR) cover and Porsche 356 as well. PM me if you are really going to start a mold for ...
原帖由 J 於 2006-1-20 05:40 發表
我就覺得pajero mini 落m03 就唔太好喇, 點可以前驅pajero 架?
真係整左都係唯有放落genetic mini 度...或者整長d放落m04 當架pajero 行緊2H檔~
sorry 我好介懷呢樣野.
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