THANKS SO MUCH作者: raybee1211 時間: 2009-3-29 03:41
唔係008 唔知係咪007作者: tekin 時間: 2009-3-29 06:28
this is T1-FK05, not T2作者: lung1 時間: 2009-3-29 08:57
old model........ difficult to find a parts......................作者: nobuster 時間: 2009-3-30 01:41
真係唔該晒咁多師兄, 差d...作者: tekin 時間: 2009-3-30 12:10
anyway, FK05 is good car but difficult to find parts作者: nobuster 時間: 2009-3-30 16:10
我當然明白這是一部好車,不過如果純粹買來儲還好,你知道車都係消耗品, 玩起上泥分分鐘壞野爛野, 如果配唔番就大件事(我手車好屎:p)