oic thx^^呢個設計都幾好喎,唔知日後會唔會廣泛應用於rc car身上呢?作者: koji1230 時間: 2009-3-31 19:01
nice car
but what use of the piece of plastic in front of the servo???作者: camlchris 時間: 2009-3-31 19:04
nice car
but what use of the piece of plastic in front of the servo???
koji1230 發表於 2009-3-31 19:01
but it is difficult to find suitable adaptor for the tyre-truer...........作者: bboy 時間: 2009-4-1 01:46
Looks like there is a front anti roll bar? wow...作者: raman9551 時間: 2009-4-1 18:21
好靚呀作者: tekin 時間: 2009-4-1 20:33
good car.作者: cowboy 時間: 2009-4-18 09:20
挍牙殼柱,正!作者: cowboy 時間: 2009-4-18 09:30
架車唔夠輕咩?車底咁多窿作者: nastyboy 時間: 2009-4-18 10:19
其實好想玩番12仔,但而家實在太多車種玩了,所以系香港好難再興12仔了,想當年一場賽都超過100架,現在如果有得鬥都吾知夠吾夠一組啊~作者: nastyboy 時間: 2009-4-18 12:29
吾知而家那裹有Corllay 車賣呢?