絕對多............同埋始終個車架layout 無tt01 襟好, 就算全改後都無TT01 襟好跑.........作者: wongching 時間: 2009-4-26 10:12
C Hing甘 有咩改 ??作者: samitoneau 時間: 2009-4-26 11:12
TL-01 is very good. I had many memory with TL-01 when I was small and It can still move now.
TL-01 超多野改, 因为跟車d野真係好唔點。 最起碼要改bearing, 四驅shaft, 油壓, 萬向, adjustable camber arm, adjustable steering rod, 前pumper, ball differential or other types of differential。 另外成日爛 ge steering hub 同 servo mount改金屬就一勞永日。換埋後面個toe-in杯仲會好走d。最後四隻arm唔知點解用膠做但係都咁重, 改金屬仲輕, 但係改唔改分別不大。