唔關對band事,可能按錯制set左ch1做reverse ,set返ch1做normal就得啦
對返manual set啦作者: joejoe328 時間: 2006-6-6 01:25
就係normal佢就掉轉晒作者: tsuiyuen 時間: 2006-6-6 11:08
then set reverse lor作者: joejoe328 時間: 2006-6-6 15:50
其實無分別??會唔會一邊大左一邊細左架!???作者: gibson 時間: 2006-6-6 16:05
normal and reverse is control the directions of the servos, first of all, you should set the neutral point, after that, set the right directions with normal or reverse.