Where do you play? If you play at home, Minizs can pick up some wrong signals that affect the performance of the car. Try somewhere outside and see if the problem still there. If it keeps doing it outside, the "VR" must be damaged. A new VR only cost about $15-20. But it's a paint to install it so rather bring it to a shop or something.
Good luck! 作者: x0n 時間: 2006-6-6 19:32
過我唔知VR係咩!係唔係$150就救得翻!?作者: ilikerc-evo 時間: 2006-6-7 05:48 標題: 感謝先進賜教! 真的是VR的問題,這個VR就在steering box裡,作為steering feedback之用,後來我使用WD-40(除繡清潔劑)輕輕一噴,神奇似的復活。