front one-way good for low speed(10. 5R or higher) car and smooth drive style.
頭直濕 good for high speed(5.5R or lower) and must use auto/drag brake.
tekin 發表於 24/5/2009 20:04
It depends on the layout, no. of corners and how deep is the corner, there is always no hard and fast rule....
salim 發表於 2009-5-24 20:25
It depends on the layout, no. of corners and how deep is the corner, there is always no hard and fast rule....
salim 發表於 24/5/2009 20:25
front one-way good for low speed(10. 5R or higher) car and smooth drive style.
頭直濕 good for high speed(5.5R or lower) and must use auto/drag brake.
tekin 發表於 2009-5-24 20:04
頭珠差未試過, 所以答你唔到....
點解我話用頭單會輸蝕呢,係因為頭直可以去到corner entry 既位置到先落brake, 而頭單要好早已經要收定架車流入去...如果鬥車早收的話肯定俾人射.......同埋行頭直穩定過頭單...
lung1 發表於 2009-5-24 22:19
It depends on the layout, no. of corners and how deep is the corner, there is always no hard and fast rule....
salim 發表於 2009-5-24 20:25
假如玩慢車(7.5R or higher), 其實用頭直或front one-way都無所謂, 兩樣我都有用, 最緊要配合setting/個人操控/賽道設計, setting既野千變萬化, 自己玩得舒服就可以.
如果玩快車(5.5R or lower)用頭直好過front o ...
tekin 發表於 25/5/2009 08:00
理論上:High traction track + high speed corners
詳細技術分析,請參考老人家有關精華文章: ...
cowboy 發表於 2009-5-26 11:17
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