明白... 作者: tekin 時間: 2009-5-18 07:33
yes, must be change to higher gear ratio to prevent over heat.作者: tiger1 時間: 2009-5-18 08:25
Easier to get overheat and heat will weaken magnets and therefore less powerful toward to the end of your run.作者: manman1999 時間: 2009-5-18 12:46
#4 #5
哦... 明白了,仲以為又壞嘢^^"作者: Andrew168 時間: 2009-5-18 13:50
所以要留意 esc 同 motor 溫度, 如比較熱就要調整吓 gear ratio 或 motor t 數作者: manman1999 時間: 2009-5-18 22:51
所以要留意 esc 同 motor 溫度, 如比較熱就要調整吓 gear ratio 或 motor t 數
Andrew168 發表於 2009-5-18 13:50