By the way, I tried to put the modified AD module and it work to my AD mini-Z.
So, I think this old 75mhz module may work with 3PK.作者: chacha 時間: 2009-5-22 22:56
我諗都冇咩問題,我呢支控當年係朋友比我,個芒組用落 3PJ 都玩左好多年,行 PCM 應該冇問題,不過行 HRS 就唔知?作者: mmz 時間: 2009-5-22 23:14
我都用緊呢個FM27舊芒早在3PK上,無論用PCM or HRS都無問題,因為佢係made in Japan,所以我用個舊都唔用個新作者: tekin 時間: 2009-5-22 23:32
this is quite heavy and not balance.作者: AC3 時間: 2009-5-22 23:50
thx...各位ching作者: chacha 時間: 2009-5-23 02:16
但係0係偉 GO 見,D 芒組唔同編號價錢都唔同,但係日本造定台灣造,放落去都冇問題。