TATAMI what servo will you use? Futaba 9402 is it fit for this car?
also can use 540 motor ma?
miniz 發表於 2009-6-1 12:57
咁大部車用普540 motor 邊夠力, 俾你裝到仲慢過SC8油版就無意思,一係唔玩, 玩得咁大架車就要玩盡佢, 一定要用550/600 5mm shaft motor, 我昨日睇過SC8油車速度, 用2350kv 4S 以上已經快過油車好多
tatame 發表於 2009-6-1 16:23
咁大部車用普540 motor 邊夠力, 俾你裝到仲慢過SC8油版就無意思,一係唔玩, 玩得咁大架車就要玩盡佢, 一定要用550/600 5mm shaft motor, 我昨日睇過SC8油車速度, 用2350kv 4S 以上已經快過油車好多
tatame 發表於 2009-6-1 16:23
wowo very pretty! wanna buy one now !
But seems 1/8 electronic will be a bit ma fan?
any recommendation?
or should get a sc8 and play 'directly' ?
kennethwsl 發表於 2009-6-2 01:20
我玩緊部sc 8, 玩咗幾次已經見到前臂有撞過既痕
我見ae 個online shop 好多parts 都係out of stock, 萬一真係撞咗要換咁咪要等唔知幾耐?
請問除ae online shop 之外, 重可以去邊度買到s ...
hksdu1 發表於 2009-6-2 10:33
9451 成8kg 好似勁得濟!! 5kg servo 已經ok !! 你玩過2WD 就知~~ 車頭太輕無動力, 速度一快車身就唔穩定, 玩offroad "luck"尾"luck"到傻
tatame 發表於 2009-6-2 09:56
AE parts 多數上網訂! 試試下面呢兩間online store ! 都算good service, 你係咪上星期日TKO 玩KMC 花SC8 o個位師兄?
tatame 發表於 2009-6-2 11:06
睇你想要咩速度, 要快一定係無刷, 平平地買過好盈80A 2200 kv 4S lipoHK$8xx 已經可以快過油車
想玩到7-80 公里就買隻mamba monster/ 好盈150A 6S lipo, 快過火箭
tatame 發表於 2009-6-2 09:52
無錯, 用lipo !! 放心la ~ 適當使用lipo 無問題的, 又方便唔怕撻唔著車, 反車唔怕死火, 無煙無臭味唔會污染環境, 最重要係仲快過油車! 可以一試
tatame 發表於 2009-6-2 13:51
icic thanks tatame
by the way, any recommendation for Lipo battery and charger?
need to think of what I have to prepare before ordering the Sc8e
I checked from "A main Hobby", seems ~ ...
kennethwsl 發表於 2009-6-2 14:16
請問係咪大部份 SC8 既parts 可以同RC8 共用? 因為我見towerhobby SC8 個LIST 入面好多PARTS 寫 "for RC8"
hksdu1 發表於 2009-6-2 15:16
同幾個朋友用左咁耐novak o係TKO 玩又未試過死rotor wor ! 我部emaxx 仲重過你架8ight, 會唔會gear ratio 問題?
tatame 發表於 2009-6-3 10:44
tower hobbies selling $ 409.9 US please see the detail
http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi ... NXCY0&
this cost not including shipping fee
miniz 發表於 2009-6-3 15:08
77# RCman
Cheers!! 不過而家個 promotion 0岩0岩完左。要等多個零禮拜先至有新0既。
22年 發表於 2009-6-3 16:51
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