標題: My esc revers faster than forward. [打印本頁] 作者: gibson 時間: 2006-6-11 19:31 標題: My esc revers faster than forward. I have over 3 futaba mc230 esc, one of them is revers faster than forward, what can I do, any bro has the same experience. Thanks作者: orange00 時間: 2006-6-11 20:08
SET多次, 記住支控咩都推返去中位.作者: dimsim8 時間: 2006-6-11 20:14
may be you connect the wires reversel, like the positive went to the negative and negeative went to positive.作者: samy 時間: 2006-6-11 20:24
這因為前波比後波線性,所以感覺上後波快過前波,其實這是錯覺。作者: gibson 時間: 2006-6-11 21:09
Thanks all bro, it may be the curve. Thanks all作者: Mobility 時間: 2006-6-12 11:29
我話 Motor 正負極駁錯作者: joejoe328 時間: 2006-6-12 19:53
我都係咁wor=.=作者: gibson 時間: 2006-6-12 19:54 標題: 回復 #7 joejoe328 的帖子 Good, not only me!!!