超級電容的迴圈週期是數萬次的,而電池 ...
gtimax 發表於 2009-6-7 17:22
超級電容的迴圈週期是數萬次的,而電池 ...
gtimax 發表於 2009-6-7 17:22
超級電容的迴圈週期是數萬次的,而電池 ...
gtimax 發表於 7/6/2009 17:22
23# 衫魚仔
There is 2 type:
0.15F Super CAP for 6 Cell
0.30F Super CAP for 4-5 Cell
Why the smaller cell using a Bigger Super Cap (0.30F) ?
If I use 0.30F in 6 Cell will I burn the ...
chappi 發表於 2009-6-7 23:55
esc 係高頻運作的電子設備, cap 即係"水塘" 對esc 有兩個作用,
1. 濾波
2. 降低電源內阻
假設某0.1秒鐘之內馬達需要100A電力, 電池係4000mah 20c, 咁電池就無法滿足實際需求就不能達到最佳效果, 如果有個大水 ...
INEO 發表於 2009-6-8 00:37
其實想請教市面大部份電變跟個粒cap (睇佢size) 我估都係1000~ ...
gavl 發表於 2009-6-8 01:17
超級電容的迴圈週期是數萬次的,而電池 ...
gtimax 發表於 2009-6-7 17:22
其實想請教市面大部份電變跟個粒cap (睇佢size) 我估都係1000~ ...
gavl 發表於 2009-6-8 01:17
24# chappi
super cap normally is 4.5v each (0.15f)
for 4 cell (4.8v) , there are 2 cap parallel (0.3F,4.5v )
for 6 cell (7.2v) , there are 2 cap in series (0.15f , 9.0v)
for lipo2cell sure use ...
gtimax 發表於 2009-6-8 19:33
Have tried using this new supercap yesterday, I'm running 11.5T with cooling fan installed to this cap, yet I still have got some bad experience about this cap!
Chrispo 發表於 2009-6-8 22:57
Have tried using this new supercap yesterday, I'm running 11.5T with cooling fan installed to this cap, yet I still have got some bad experience about this cap!
Chrispo 發表於 2009-6-8 22:57
What battery you running?
How long do you run your car?
Which CAP U using? 0.30F? 0.15F?
chappi 發表於 2009-6-8 23:19
So after u installed this cap, any good performance u can find out?
1. Better rechagre the speed after corner ?
2. faster start up?
3. Longer playing time for the battery?
4. Any improv ...
ChinaBilly 發表於 2009-6-9 08:51
Difficult to tell if there is a better recharge of the speed after the corner, longer play time for the battery or so. What I can share might be it seems like I can have more punch when existing c ...
Chrispo 發表於 2009-6-9 11:27
65# 50270898
呢 d 超級電容跟本唔係呢 d 用途. 佢地唔可以大電流放電, 同時內阻十分大, 電壓最高只有 5.5V 1 cell, 所以要兩粒串聯黎用, 兩粒串聯後電阻又會大一倍. 一般鋰電內阻都係 10 mohm 以下, 呢 d 超 ...
monster 發表於 2009-6-10 13:57
Scania 發表於 2009-6-11 15:21
why ask here !?
you better listen more to 教主..
he is angry if you disobey him.....
wendy 發表於 2009-6-12 15:11
舉個例子, 如果用鋰電7.4volt
如果要爆, 當capacitor真係可以放晒7.4volt並爆1秒
I = C dV/dt
I = 0.15uF 7.4/1
1.11A只係一粒500 ...
50270898 發表於 2009-6-12 00:52
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