maybe something wrong of the servo gear inside!作者: espkwan 時間: 2009-6-9 12:31
我CHACK 到係個控有問題,我問朋友借個就沒有問題?作者: espkwan 時間: 2009-6-9 12:35
KT-18控轉左右個制有無得整作者: killermomo 時間: 2009-6-9 12:48
我之前都係咁, 原來忘了 bearing 的位置出左錯, 看看 bearing 個位o 5 ok!!作者: Davina 時間: 2009-6-9 13:26
Check the steering travel, turn the steering wheel to one side and press the trimming button, then test another side.