now ....... when will be the next crawler party? .... 作者: 熾天使 時間: 2009-7-5 21:35
一架呢種車大約要幾錢阿?作者: ln9394 時間: 2009-7-6 00:21
請問個dig係邊道買嫁?作者: sunfffd 時間: 2009-7-6 13:34
wow is this the Losi crawler?作者: bd410 時間: 2009-7-6 14:49
It should be Kyosho Rock Force. The DIG system is an optional item and can be bought from Hung * at KWS.作者: rockdragon 時間: 2009-7-6 20:25
Yes. It is Kyosho RockForce.
I already install the HS worm gears, the Dig system with the XTreme Racing Chassis. All the Blue parts are Hot Racing parts.
The wheel base was extended to 12.5" by using the rear upper links as the rear lower links, then the rear upper links were replaced by the Traxxas part#5138 - 108mm Front Turnbuckles of T-Maxx.
Also the original front 3 links were changed to 4 link suspension by using the other rear upper link mount with the original rear lower links that were removed from the extended wheelbase. Before install the upper links, I have to turn around the axle together with turn around the worm gear top piece and the turn Knuckles, too.
Last thing is the spur + pinion set were changed to 32 pitch set as the outrunner BL motor is 5mm size shaft that easily find the 5 mm 32 pitch pinion. The maximum size of the spur can be fitted into the chassis is 60 tooth 32 pitch spur.
That's about it. 作者: GJ313 時間: 2009-7-6 21:08
看看我的车........... ... &extra=page%3D4作者: bd410 時間: 2009-7-6 21:23
Why do you choose the outrunner BL motor? Thx!作者: rockdragon 時間: 2009-7-6 23:24
Why do you choose the outrunner BL motor? Thx!
bd410 發表於 2009-7-6 21:23