RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 新手玩M車? 咩車好?? [打印本頁]

作者: ~CCXR~    時間: 2009-7-4 13:17
標題: 新手玩M車? 咩車好??
小弟想玩M chassic

但m車同 1:10玩上呢有咩分別??

作者: 123456789    時間: 2009-7-4 13:48
i personally think ABC genetic is pretty good. Its around $1000 for the car with body. Nothing else.  It runs pretty well. no modification needed. Good for just a fun car. For racing i do not  know.
作者: ~CCXR~    時間: 2009-7-4 13:58
how about 210ss?
作者: 123456789    時間: 2009-7-4 17:23
i think thats rather pricy....plus ppl get mad modifing it. If your only like getting one for fun then ABC will do. Unless you want to really race it then you can consider that one. plus...i can play it anywhere without worring scratching it or finding more parts to mod it.
作者: ~CCXR~    時間: 2009-7-4 23:28
so is the review good for the tt01m?
作者: 123456789    時間: 2009-7-5 00:27
Iam not sure...but i don't like tt01. and Why would you want to buy a car then buy another car to add onto it. I would suggest buy something that fits your needs..if you want to race and with accuracy then its 210.
作者: ~CCXR~    時間: 2009-7-5 07:20
Ya!! 210 is nice or atomic??
作者: albertau2011    時間: 2009-7-5 13:23
作者: 123456789    時間: 2009-7-5 17:15
I donnno.  210 is old compared to atomic...lol. plus i think they are different systems I think...iam not sure.
作者: ~CCXR~    時間: 2009-7-5 22:37
in felling
what's the difference in tpuring and m car?

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