原帖由 hangson 於 2006-6-18 00:26 發表
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-6-18 12:25 AM 發表
I saw them in Waigo......
原帖由 AIBO 於 2006-6-18 01:08 發表
原帖由 txzmxn 於 2006-6-18 00:53 發表
Yea!! 米糕
其實葬星都有, 但 $70/pair
米糕最後兩pair比我買咗 $40/pair
原帖由 AIBO 於 2006-6-18 01:08 AM 發表
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-6-18 01:13 AM 發表
some are amazingly cheap & some are amazingly expensive ............wooooohoho.........
and you also need to tolerate the bad manner of the "old bxtch".........
原帖由 J 於 2006-6-18 01:14 AM 發表
呵, 又真係幾抵小~~
原帖由 gibson 於 2006-6-18 02:23 AM 發表
What about the rims!!
do they have original rims available??
原帖由 gibson 於 2006-6-18 12:29 PM 發表
Thanks nsx004,
I brought two pairs of pajero wheels with rims at HKD300 few years ago!!
原帖由 gibson 於 2006-6-18 12:29 發表
Thanks nsx004,
I brought two pairs of pajero wheels with rims at HKD300 few years ago!!
原帖由 peter7 於 2006-6-18 05:43 PM 發表
Wai Go sold for $40 a pair of tires and $20 for a pair of rims. Full set only $120. Cheapest in HK.
原帖由 peter7 於 2006-6-19 03:16 PM 發表
Last time I check Wai Go, only tires available. But rims available in KWS around $30 a pair
原帖由 txzmxn 於 2006-6-18 15:18 發表
kws 葬星 有 車胎連RIMS 約 $140/pair
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-6-20 10:54 發表
好貴 , 上星期係智樂見到有 , $14x FOR 4 條呔連鈴 , 你地度度買都好貴 !
原帖由 courel500 於 2006-6-20 10:54 AM 發表
好貴 , 上星期係智樂見到有 , $14x FOR 4 條呔連鈴 , 你地度度買都好貴 !
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-6-21 00:16 發表
Sang Fai also sold out the rims lu......only tyres left......$49 per pair.......
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-6-21 08:36 發表
For the rims, I picked up a set in Hobby Hobby (Geen Chung) for $30 a pair.. but I think I got the last set.. double check with them and see...
I think TQ (Chong Sing) has them in stock constantl ...
原帖由 txzmxn 於 2006-6-21 23:10 發表
咁即係除咗 Choxg Sxng 之外邊樹有 rim 賣呢?
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