散砌平D if you got a M03
Got the parts ABCDF with $160 only
and some screw and turnbuckle needed
terencelyl7411 發表於 28/7/2009 08:54
If 本身無M03我見以你買普通版,我自已有M03重有好多 parts 但有D羅C自已無(e.g BA11 , BA14 ) 又要走多次,怕麻煩就真係買普通版好過,如果唔係可能要行幾次先完成部車
0433351410 發表於 28/7/2009 10:21
19# lung1
OOOooooo...........I see...........我唔係個個星期日都放到假.........如果唔係(我個個星期日都鬥車........我老婆一定插爆我 )
penny..t.o.p. 發表於 28/7/2009 11:34
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