個個回覆都唔知樓主想表達咩,我諗你都要讀多幾年書!作者: koji1230 時間: 2009-8-10 01:33 10#清清
yup,i know and feel that u're not make argue
just the angle of the cam. not good.
if the cam. is on high position .......the track will be more clear
thx for your advice 作者: chacha 時間: 2009-8-10 01:41
放狗……作者: sam 時間: 2009-8-10 02:13
至於睇唔睇得明都係因人而以.作者: gibson 時間: 2009-8-10 10:02 本帖最後由 gibson 於 2009-8-10 10:03 編輯
Support all RC event, add oil. Today playing on the street, one day you will be the top in TC, PYC or in Japan. The main point is to share the happyness of playing RC!!
From the video, I can tell all are not beginners!作者: lung1 時間: 2009-8-10 10:15
如果能夠鋪設多d路碟會更好....作者: nastyboy 時間: 2009-8-10 10:45
我諗可能系大家誤會大家既意思,絕無踩既意思,只系語言上一些誤會姐,我之前睇個post系三大車種比拼,所以想睇下每架車既走姿,Track方面可能角度問題,呢D系小問題,見你地系有賽道,只系望落吾夠清色,樓主話齋角度問題,不過而家改左 4 M car play 就貼題D了.....