因為朋友比我時set過啲嘢, 依家說明書又唔見咗...... 師兄, 可以幫忙嗎?作者: hardmankam 時間: 2009-8-22 19:42
manual here: http://aedownloads.com/downloads ... 20Guide_Pulsar3.pdf作者: hardmankam 時間: 2009-8-22 19:44
from the manual, it says:
'Hold down MENU while connecting to power supply'作者: TWTST 時間: 2009-8-22 21:50 5#hardmankam
師兄, 真係唔該晒你. 作者: hardmankam 時間: 2009-8-23 01:02
no problem! Pulsar 3 is an excellent charger... too bad it has no balance port and no A123 support, otherwise, it is a perfect charger.... maybe in pulsar 4.