原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-6-26 02:17 PM 發表
Very nice...
May I ask you how do you mount the cover on the chassis?
嘩! 巧令仔呀! (笑騎騎, 放毒蛇). 想請教下, 你呢架是否星星出果架, 定係其他廠(HPI)出的呢?
I could not find it in Toy R us wor...where did u buy this nei?
原帖由 Patrick6 於 2006-6-26 14:18 發表
嘩! 巧令仔呀! (笑騎騎, 放毒蛇). 想請教下, 你呢架是否星星出果架, 定係其他廠(HPI)出的呢?
原帖由 sshh 於 2006-6-26 19:24 發表
good look.
tire 用了膠布?
原帖由 leewui 於 2006-6-26 20:39 發表
原帖由 工藤新一 於 2006-6-28 04:43 發表
水喉胎+black colour???
原帖由 bcgg 於 2006-6-26 15:16 發表
I get it from ToyRus, but........... is ToyRus NewYork.......Sorry....
Gosh, u should tell me where u get it earlier la, i just got back from NYC days ago.......
原帖由 bcgg 於 2006-7-4 10:16 發表
Actually, not in NYC, but in the LongIsland area Toyrus...and how about your trip, is it good?
I think weather there is better than HK....
So far so good, Just a 2 days trip, mostly stayed in the hotel and 5th ave. all the time. So bro, are u now staying in HK or U.S.?
Another question, may i ask to to take a pic after popping up the R34 hood? Because i also would like to see how you mount the shell on the chassis...Many Thx!!!!!
都話係Yokomo DR02 lo 唉!
原帖由 bcgg 於 2006-7-10 10:41 發表
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