順帶一問,Futaba, KO, Hitech, Towerpro etc.嘅servo 頭係唔一樣大小呢? 我担心如果我唔收Futaba micro servo, 個servo saver曾裝唔落其他牌子嘅servo。作者: pp123nn 時間: 2009-9-21 21:18
我之前個Futaba micro servo.頭是4方形.買左180.後來買吾到servo saver.作者: pp123nn 時間: 2009-9-21 21:20
不如買個9g.$39.左右.不過會好快ko.作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2009-9-21 21:36
9g? do you mean ESky ? The servo head of ESky is smaller then Futaba.作者: camlchris 時間: 2009-9-21 21:54
use Hitec diigital or analog. Futaba 3107 is not powerful enough in steering under the rough track condition作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2009-9-21 22:06
how's the size of servo head between Hitec and Futaba ? Are they the same ?作者: camlchris 時間: 2009-9-21 22:14
use Hites HS 65MG which is 1.5 mm wider than Futaba 3107. You need to drill a hole on the chassis. 作者: ryancmlam 時間: 2009-9-21 22:40
thanks. I really concern on the size of the servo head because I don't know whether my servo saver for Futaba could not put ontp Hitec