街車就噴白色加碳頭改埋gt-wing(磨左車尾個條野補返2個窿作者: 毒魚 時間: 2009-10-11 14:38
呀...未磨走分模線啦.....orz作者: scalpel 時間: 2009-10-11 15:02
I like the MR-S very much!!!作者: Carsong 時間: 2009-10-11 18:10
I like MR-S too! I just play mini-z, can't find it now lu...
CHing got many collection ne!作者: babiikim 時間: 2009-10-11 18:26
爽阿!!!!作者: Mugen924 時間: 2009-10-11 23:18 1#Sephiroth
點解架MR-S d線上d又唔上d既?
水口又無磨既?作者: nonsama 時間: 2009-10-13 13:11
a nice shell i never seen before作者: 800mah 時間: 2009-10-13 13:18
I like MR-S too! I just play mini-z, can't find it now lu...
CHing got many collection ne!
Carsong 發表於 2009-10-11 18:10
it's not made by kyosho.
it's by mini power, they made the 206, MRS, Beetles,
iwaver also have a few nice bodies, Saleen S7, BMW M3 etc...作者: Carsong 時間: 2009-10-13 15:11
yes, I know it is from "mini power" ar, is it closed up, no more "mini power" now?作者: Sephiroth 時間: 2009-10-14 01:35
早兩日買左07 N仔~~
等我噴返個"夢見の生霊"先~作者: pangbi 時間: 2009-10-14 01:59
MRS 正呀@@