Deans Ultra Connectors (up to 50 amps of continuous load) or T plug
These are a very popular connector type and are coming standard on many battery packs.
JST Connector
This is a small power plug rated for up to 5 amps of continuous load. It is used on smaller battery packs (usually under 1500 mAh) for powering small park fliers and micro electric helis, or for powering on board electronics (receiver, servos, gyros, governors, etc.) in higher end models with dedicated BEC's.
作者: chacha 時間: 2009-10-28 10:19 Balancing plugs/taps currently come in four different configurations and it is important to know which one your balancing charger or stand alone balancer
This is the most common balancing plug type. Used On: Align, E-Flite, Common Sense RC (V2), Great Planes, Dualsky, Esky, Electrifly, Losi, Rhino, Team Great Hobbies, Trinity, Turnigy, Venom, Zippy - just to name a few.
ST-EH Plugs
These are probably the least common type of balancing plug, but you will find them on a few big name battery brands such as: Kokam, Graupner, Core, and older Vampower battery packs.