再次多謝各位大師們、師傅們、高手們教導!!作者: jeffip97 時間: 2009-11-5 17:33
Lipo batteries will be better, but think if u really want summit, because it is quite slow com pare to other cars作者: nonamehui 時間: 2009-11-5 17:44
多謝 Jeffip97 師兄回覆,我都知道summit 係唔夠其他車快,但我就鍾意佢快又得慢又得,連落水都得,所以我先會諗佢啫! 想請問Lipo電會唔會貴D呢?? 同埋要用幾多mah先夠用? 叉機有無推介呀?? 價錢都係考慮因素之一作者: Marco明 時間: 2009-11-5 19:10
lipo mah5000 約$4xx~$5xx (唔可以玩水)
summit係要同時要用兩排電....mah5000應玩到30min或以上作者: nonamehui 時間: 2009-11-5 20:59
唔該晒 Marco明師傅, 如果要玩水,就唔可以用 Lipo電,咁用Ni-cd定係Ni-mh好呢? 請問係要兩舊都要5000mah 定係 兩舊加埋5000mah呢? 叉機有無好介紹呀 THX!!!作者: jeffip97 時間: 2009-11-5 22:05
I remember some c hing said there r some LIPO batteries that r waterproof作者: mansiu 時間: 2009-11-6 03:53 本帖最後由 mansiu 於 2009-11-6 04:01 編輯