原帖由 雷公 於 2006-7-5 05:38 發表
RC products in USA are not that expensive, you should be grateful to be living in the US. Get an RC Car Action Mag, you will see heaps of online stores around US offering competitively priced RC kits.
原帖由 Mobility 於 2006-7-5 15:20 發表
Where th hell are you in the US?
if your order in HK and ship them to the US. it just pretty much the same price as you buy them locally.
but just like you said, most RC stores in the US are ...
US guys are not so interested about 1:10 EP touring or RC drafting
原帖由 osb36 於 2006-7-7 18:17 發表
yes, average less 25%~30% of rrp, but the postage is fuxkin expensive!
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