快!不過一定貴過 HK $.作者: yakuza 時間: 2009-11-27 14:43
How many different version of 416? I almost confuse....
By the way, your 416X looks really good, but don't know what is the damage with your wallet...作者: popcornboom 時間: 2009-11-27 14:52
你係邊度定架...我都想買番架...作者: ANGTR1 時間: 2009-11-27 15:09
吾係HK 啦, $就貴囉! ..只不過識人 所以有pre order!
Just the motor mount different , slight shorter rear belt and part relation around those area.. not much different all front part are same ... cant buy 416we, hence go for 416X.作者: Bridgestone22 時間: 2009-11-27 15:16
Rich man.....作者: Bridgestone22 時間: 2009-11-27 15:16
Rich man.....作者: -69- 時間: 2009-11-27 18:23
nice 416 ;-)作者: platolau 時間: 2009-11-27 18:59
i think ray is better作者: terryfok 時間: 2009-11-27 20:23
岩岩新出 ??幾多錢 ??作者: lung1 時間: 2009-11-27 21:09
天價416x! 可能係最貴既淨車架!作者: jimmy5729 時間: 2009-11-28 00:38
超正的車......作者: bigman0712 時間: 2009-11-29 08:43
唔知幾錢呢C hing.....作者: beebone 時間: 2009-11-29 10:23
等2手車架啦, 好快有人賣, 舊酒新瓶作者: Andrewkwan 時間: 2009-11-29 15:18
Nice car 作者: ANGTR1 時間: 2009-11-29 17:58
Not in HK sorry .. around HKD $4K +作者: anco16 時間: 2009-11-29 19:12
幾錢呀?作者: tb03 時間: 2009-11-29 22:27 16#anco16
聽聞要賣成五千銀真係買吾落手,最重係同416WE分別不大作者: tb03 時間: 2009-11-29 22:28 13#beebone
X2..........作者: chtam 時間: 2009-11-29 22:37 15#ANGTR1