thanks^^作者: Bloodyhell 時間: 2006-1-15 22:06
covering those parts with tape..then spray those at last ... or cover the whole body and leaving that part out, spray it with black first, then other colours.作者: alangor 時間: 2006-1-16 09:05
Thank you Bloodyhell^^
I will try it now^^作者: monkichi0210 時間: 2006-1-16 17:45
alangor: if u want to make the line for the door or bonnet and so on.....maybe u can use the oil based marker......may find it in the stationary store.....
Bloodyhell : sorry that u maybe misunderstood (I GUESS!!!)what he said...
your method may be helped to make the window frame.....but i think it's bit difficult to make the line for the door or bonnet.......hehe!!!!hope u dun mind la!!!!作者: alangor 時間: 2006-1-16 21:11
THanks monkichi0210 & Bloodyhell^^
so i should draw the line inside the body or outside?作者: monkichi0210 時間: 2006-1-16 22:07
另外亦有人會貼黑幼線貼紙....但我就覺得好易甩.......作者: cho2joe 時間: 2006-1-17 03:52