I think this is using hydroden gas to power the car
Not 充電一次可跑一個小時, is charge up the gas and last for an hour作者: tai13 時間: 2009-12-29 18:11
幾時有石油氣呀...................作者: ftbingobingo 時間: 2009-12-29 18:43
有幾多c? 係咪有80c? 作者: andrew007 時間: 2009-12-29 18:48
玩玩吓會唔會爆炸架作者: BENNY_謙 時間: 2009-12-29 18:58
用到無哂咁點??作者: snowsenki 時間: 2009-12-29 19:07
行核能要着防幅射衣至玩作者: 衫魚仔 時間: 2009-12-29 23:05
not for racing.....超高重心....作者: bigman0712 時間: 2009-12-29 23:33
太大舊同安全問題......等佢出二代....真正改良好同價錢夠平就可能會諗諗佢.....唔知三兩年剩熟末呢.....希望唔好等咁耐la...作者: hk_sdu 時間: 2009-12-30 00:46
i think they just put it on RC for proof of concept.
BTW, i watched NHK Japan TV the other day, Honda is also using the same technology for their generation electric private car. Honda think it is the trend of future, and they are near their final stage.作者: CIVICMAN 時間: 2009-12-30 01:15
出到冇野出.......勁吖作者: 清清 時間: 2009-12-30 01:51
科技日日進步咩都有可能!作者: memberbilly 時間: 2009-12-30 01:53
清清 發表於 2009-12-30 01:51