你係where見到架?作者: mikewu 時間: 2010-2-7 22:56
I didn't take the photos but my friend took them in City U...作者: ivanlee102324 時間: 2010-2-7 23:21
good good作者: mansiu 時間: 2010-2-7 23:52
好靚喎,唔知貴唔貴呢?作者: 中遠 時間: 2010-2-8 00:01
紅頂小巴都幾出名。。。作者: lyboy 時間: 2010-2-8 00:12
Great!! Is it radio control??
Or can it change to be a rc car?作者: john19961014 時間: 2010-2-8 16:18
我之前在一個網頁睇到作者: Chason 時間: 2010-2-8 16:38
幾好FEEL喔~~作者: ivanlee102324 時間: 2010-2-8 16:40 本帖最後由 ivanlee102324 於 2010-2-8 16:42 編輯