But you like the EX-1 UR characteristic? 作者: natnatbobo 時間: 2010-2-9 23:30
i tried tonight, OK la, but actually EX10 is more convenient to use.....作者: 阿業阿業 時間: 2010-2-9 23:34
ths...等佢返貨先,架車仲未砌~我淨係睇中EX1可以玩大車同mini z~平平地又幾好用應該無第二枝揀掛~作者: Carsong 時間: 2010-2-10 10:51
Hi, I like the shell, any more? which shop? how much? Many Thx. 作者: kelvin1024 時間: 2010-2-10 12:03