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標題: Engine&極力子 [打印本頁]

作者: wingscreamer    時間: 2010-2-10 23:32
標題: Engine&極力子
今天Run Engine, engine 著了, 但系車呔不轉, 只見Fly Wheel轉,不能帶動Clutch Bell

1. Fly Wheel 彈弓上得唔夠緊?
2. Clutch Bell內距離太多(太多戒子)?

請Ching幫忙!!! Thanks!
作者: silvermanto    時間: 2010-2-11 00:10
I think it's your clutch shoe wear out.  But you really need to take out the clutch bell to see see inside.
作者: wingscreamer    時間: 2010-2-11 00:14
However, it is new!
作者: boxingjoe    時間: 2010-2-11 00:37
run engine油針係好笠, 車輪唔係點行係正常, 但最緊要係你知唔知極子力點set. 同埋run engine時個preload應該放出d, 等佢落地run時早d埋到塊掌行, 但最好入車場搵人幫下手啦.
作者: beebone    時間: 2010-2-11 01:32
今天Run Engine, engine 著了, 但系車呔不轉, 只見Fly Wheel轉,不能帶動Clutch Bell

1. Fly Wheel 彈弓上得唔夠緊?
2. Clutch Bell內距離太多(太多戒子)?

請Ching幫忙!!! Thanks!
wingscreamer 發表於 2010-2-10 23:32

我今日都學識點"zip" clutch.

買工具先. 每幅engine條軸長度都唔同, 要度.
作者: wingscreamer    時間: 2010-2-11 02:03
"同埋run engine時個preload應該放出d, 等佢落地run時早d埋到塊掌行"

請問系咪即系Fly Wheel 彈弓唔好上得太緊, 不用在Engine太高轉數, 便可以早d埋到塊掌行??
1. 彈弓鬆緊帶來什麼影響?是可如我以上的理解....
2. Clutch range 0.5-0.9mm, 在0.5及0.9mm 分別有什麼不同, 會損害Engine嗎??

作者: vigor    時間: 2010-2-11 09:09
彈弓鬆緊 is controlled by the clutch spring preload.  Engine performance is affected by clutch engagement timing.  Our aim for engine run-in is to make sure the inner metal parts of the engine are properly worn.  Engine temperature will rise very high if engine is not properly run in and the clutch engagement time is set at high rpm.  Because metals (Piston, sleeve, conrod, etc) inside the engine do not run smoothly, tremendous friction need to be overcomed to reach higher rpm.  Metal parts work within a certain temperature range.  Running higher than that temperature range will render the metal parts to break.

Engine performance is affected by clutch spring preload which is also affected by the sping hardness.  It is uselss to give you the spring preload figure without knowing the engine and the clutch spring.

In general, I set the clutch spring preload to 0.5mm for engine run-in to make sure the clutch will engage.  If the clutch does not engage when the engine is tuned right, something must be wrong with the clutch.
作者: wingscreamer    時間: 2010-2-11 11:55
Thanks for your explanation, I get more concept about it!

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