勞煩各位師兄解答作者: jeffip97 時間: 2010-2-15 00:04
If you dont need to use very professional things than rtr is better, If you want to make it to very professional everyone know that your car is very expensive than buy atr... But looks like things included in the rtr is not too good especialy the electonic things, they are not too durable then you need to change it very quickly.... then It is also the same if you buy atr作者: lyboy 時間: 2010-2-15 09:04
新版好似係kit bor
12/2 賣緊1790作者: German 時間: 2010-2-15 09:29
新版好似係kit bor
12/2 賣緊1790
lyboy 發表於 2010-2-15 09:04