簡單D黎講, 姐係你果CELL 已經死左
最安全做法係包好佢, 放入充電回收箱
之後坐車出KWS 買過一排新作者: 清清 時間: 2010-2-18 01:10
充電機顯示 " LOW VOLTAGE "有可能係火牛唔夠V,用他錶度度試下,
如果火牛出到11v以上咁你同排電講再見!作者: asaq-wong 時間: 2010-2-18 01:15
用他錶度度試下每cell鋰電,可能有cell 死左~作者: BENNY_謙 時間: 2010-2-18 01:24
唔好咁搞~!作者: rcray 時間: 2010-2-18 03:36
** Dont throw away your battary. no big deal here.
use other mode e.g. NIMH to charge up the battary for 1~2 mins.
THen you can us Lipo mode to re-charge the battary.作者: s0301399 時間: 2010-2-18 07:47 本帖最後由 s0301399 於 2010-2-18 07:51 編輯
Agree, follow RCRAY ching's recommendation! I have this experience and success to save the battery.作者: pnlance 時間: 2010-2-23 19:05
I try tonight ,it's really work, thanks RCRAY ^3^作者: cake 時間: 2010-2-23 22:51
我覺得未必係舊電壞的, 有時可能個充電器都未定架, 因為我都試過壞充電器!!不過用他錶度度試下每cell鋰電, 就知係舊電壞定係個充電器壞啦!作者: rcringo 時間: 2010-2-24 11:35
得左, 我先用 Nihm mode 充 1min 停止, 然後轉番 Lipo 充可以正常充電, Thx 師兄!作者: rcray 時間: 2010-2-24 17:16 10#pnlance
you are welcome.作者: Djnumber1 時間: 2010-2-24 22:04