1/10rc殼的話都唔在這兒post吧...作者: 馬輝 時間: 2010-3-5 16:32
the other thing is that this is the first 1/24 AM kit from tamiya, and the first 1/24 AM kit from any maker for some time...i do recall some earlier DBs have been 1/24-ed by italeri or some sort作者: AMAT 時間: 2010-3-5 17:11
其實唔明,點解到宜家果O的1/24模型,都係唔出可以開到車門O既......作者: 馬輝 時間: 2010-3-5 17:52
AMAT 發表於 2010-3-5 17:11
i thought the Tamiya 1/24 Enzo Ferrari did open doors...and so are Fujimi's Lambo Diablo
the other thing maybe the complexity of such and the sacrifice in realism doesn't work out well so they couldn't be bothered to do it with normal doors